Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Fair and Summer Tree Chopping

So, summer is quickly winding down up here, it seems. This summer has been pretty cool anyway, but the last week has actually felt like fall. Leaves in our yard are changing, for pete's sake! We found out a couple weeks ago that our neighbor to the rear is pretty handy with yard work stuff, including a chainsaw. We learned this after a tree in our front yard got struck by lightning, and the neighbor helped Sabrina's dad, Dave, cut it down. So this evening the neighbor, Mike, cut down three more dead trees in the back yard. So now we have a huge pile of firewood for the fire pit, and a much larger back least it feels larger, without those big, looming dead trees.

In other news, I won a sweet grill from our bank for Customer Appreciation Week. It's a good one, which is cool, because we've been grilling out a lot this summer. We don't have it yet; still arranging transportation, as it won't fit in either of our cars.

In still more news, Sabrina had a softball tournament last weekend, so I took Austyn to the UP State Fair, which was a lot of fun. We rode quite a few of the rides. Austyn and I became near-obsessed with a game, too. It involved catapulting rubber frogs onto lily pads that were floating in a pond. Austyn got the hang of it, and actually won some cool prizes, which I didn't think was possible at the fair. The most I ever won when I was young was a ring-pop and pixie stix.

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