Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Exciting News....

So, I haven't made a new entry in a while. Partly because I have been pretty busy and partly because I just haven't felt up to it. Now, our computer is broken, so I can't upload pictures, but I figured it was time for an update, since some exciting things have been going on for us. So, no pictures, but good news. Deal with it. ;)

Well, most of you (whoever you is, whoever reads these blogs I post.) already know, Andrew and I are expecting a baby this summer. We are so excited about this and cannot wait to welcome our newest addition to the family. Our "official" due date is September 2, but, I will be having another c-section, and ending my baby making career at the same time. hehe. So, we know we will be welcoming the baby sometime at the end of August. I think we would anyway, even if I wasn't having a scheduled c-section, since my kids tend to come a few weeks early. In any case, we don't have an exact date set yet, but will within the next month or 2 I assume. We are having our "big" ultrasound on Monday, April 16, and hoping the baby is cooperative so that we can get a peek at the goods to know if we will be sporting pink or blue this time around. Obviously, we are hoping for a girl, since we have 2 boys and this is our last, but, also obviously, healthy is what matters, and we will love a baby boy just as much as we would a girl. We are just so full of joy about this baby, that I just don't have the words to describe it.
Now, my pregnancies with Austyn and Hudson were pretty uneventful and "typical" I guess you could say. Austyn was a breeze. No complications, no problems, 100% natural delivery, on time (almost 2 weeks early but still full term), of a healthy and happy baby boy. Hudson, pretty much the same, a little harder on my older body, but nothing terrible to note. Delivery was not as easy and ended in a c-section, because I was just not progressing at all, after a day and a half of labor. But, he was still healthy and happy and I recovered fine, it just took a little longer. This pregnancy has been completely opposite. Morning sickness (which I didn't have with my boys) kicked in promptly at 7 weeks. Zofran (anti-nausea medicine) became necessary to be able to function daily at my job and at home with 2 other kids to take care of. Zofran is not easy on the, uh, digestive system. So, that led to a whole new world of discomfort and more medicine. Then, a bout with the flu, then a nasty cold, then the flu again, which that time landed me in the ER to get fluids and more anti-nausea meds since I had reached the point of vomiting blood, gross. During all of this, I was given multiple ultrasounds to check on the baby. During one of these scans, they found a subchorionic hematoma, which is a bleed between the placenta and uterus. There was also a small tear in the placenta. So, that was VERY scary. the doctor said to take it easy and drink LOTS of water, even more than the recommended amount for pregnant women (which wasn't easy since water even made me sick). She said it most likely would resolve on it's own, and not to worry too much about it, since there was nothing they could do for it, and as long as I wasn't bleeding, everything should be fine. So, that was very scary and stressful, but seems to be fine now. Then at around 12 weeks, and this was my favorite (insert eye roll here) the kidney stone. What fun that was! I was in the hospital 2 times for it, on pain meds and it took 3 weeks to pass!!! It was HUGE. It measure 1/4" around at it's largest point. Most of the time, stones that size are surgically removed. But, I passed it on my own, after much suffering, and am glad that is over with. SO, my first trimester SUCKED!! But, we all survived and are moving right along and doing well. For the most part. Sleeping is uncomfortable already, and heartburn seems to have taken the spot of the nausea, but it's all worth it in the end. I am smaller this pregnancy than I have been in my other 2, and haven't gained hardly anything. I blame the morning sickness. But, I'm ok with that, as long as baby is healthy. :)

And now, onto exciting news update #2... We got a new car. Not NEW new, but new to us. I am soooo excited about this. We sold the Saturn Vue. It was a good car, but time to let it go. I have had it for 5 years and it treated me well, but we needed to upgrade. Our family is getting bigger, and there was room, but not comfortable room, especially when you factor in the fact that there will be 2 carseats in the back, those things take up a lot of space. We decided to go with an SUV with 3rd row seating. After some searching, we finally found something we thought suited us well. We went with a 2007 Ford Explorer XLT. It's gray, leather interior, one owner car, new tires, very well taken care of inside and out, comparable on gas to other SUVs and nice and spacious and comfy like we were hoping for. We just love it. I am excited to have a new car. The other "upsides" to this purchase are the facts that we got a car 5 years newer than the other with less miles on it AND lowered our car payment! LOVE IT! When I get the computer back, I will try to remember to post a picture. I am really happy with our choice and hope it turns out to be a great car for our family, I am pretty confident it will.
So, that is the latest from the Jones family. We had a very enjoyable Easter weekend. Hudson got into the Easter egg hunt, briefly, but he did find some. He was just excited to be running around outside with a bunch of kids. Both of the boys looked so handsome dressed in their Easter attire for church, I will have to remember to post a picture of that too. I made dinner at our house and had my dad over. Low key and relaxing (somewhat, since cooking a ham dinner isn't really "relaxing"). But, it was still good. Love having family time. Oh, another notable event - Austyn got all A's, again, on his report card. So proud of him, as usual. He is just so smart. Lets see if the streak continues through high school! ;) I hope so!! But, anyway, this turned out a little longer than I had planned. Hope I didn't bore anyone to death. Thanks for stopping by! :)